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Introduction to Artificial Intelligence - Microsoft - DAT263x on edX

Recently, my company encouraged us to learn more about Azure ML Studio.  A little Googling led me to a course on offered by Microsoft called Introduction to Artificial Intelligence .  While it was at least 50% advertisement for some of Microsoft's cloud-based AI offerings, it was definitely worth the 10 or so hours I put into it over the last 24 hours. This was a fairly high-level course that discussed aspects of statistical techniques like regression, categorization and clustering, as well as more advanced concepts including artificial intelligence (AI), natural language processing (NLP), and chatbots.  Overall, what I learned wasn't so much about these topics, but how much Microsoft's ML Studio has to offer in the way of getting you up and running quickly and easily with these technologies. Having said that, it's Microsoft, and there were several things that didn't work as they should have, as I expected.  Full disclosure:  I'm an AWS certified ...
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