So when I went to get the cherries for my Black Cherry Ale, I noticed that they were a little more per pound than I'd expected. I also noticed that there weren't as many pristine pounds as I'd hoped. Some were a bit wrinkly, some looked a little beyond prime, and some had mold growing on them. Yuck. So I headed to the Ballast Point Brewery's home brew store , and stood in line. After only a few minutes, one of the guys behind the counter recognized me as a brewer, and not just an avid fan of micro brews, and pulled me out of line. I explained my plight, and that I was looking to totally change my beer plan. He pointed me towards some cherry puree, and I figured I'd go ahead as planned. They were out of the UK Progress hops, so we went with Bramlings Cross hops, a similar type of hop in that they're from the UK and have a relatively low alpha acid rating (6% i think for this batch). Also, the guy who gave me the recipe for my light German ale that everyone...