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Showing posts from 2007

Google Sidebar launches non-default Web browser in Vista

I finally tried out Google Desktop, including Google Sidebar, on my laptop running Vista. I really love it, especially the fact that I can tell it to Big Brother me and tailor content based on my Web surfing (and program use, possibly). The one pain I found is that, even though FireFox is my default browser, it always launches links in IE. Apparently, it's a known issue and Google's planning to fix it in the next release.

ColdFusion Tutorial - Looping over a list

This is a basic ColdFusion tutorial on how to loop over a list. It's pretty simple once you get the gist of it, but getting started can be tricky. Another reference can be found at Adobe LiveDocs . Basically, there are five steps: Define the list Create a CFOUTPUT block Create a CFLOOP block inside the CFOUTPUT block Do something in the loop block Show the results This tutorial will show you step-by-step what to do. 1. Define the list To loop over a list, you must first have a list to loop over. A list is a combination of different or same-typed values. Usually, lists are separated with commas, but you can use anything to separate lists. I usually use a bell character, but the default is a comma. NOTE: Make sure that you do not have any spaces between your list elements. <cfset radioList = "one,two,three" /> 2. Create a CFOUTPUT block A CFOUTPUT block consists of an open and a close CFOUTPUT tag. This tells the server to interpret anything between those two...

I'm Just Here for the Carnage - RoboGames 2007

So here I am in San Francisco, right on the water at Fort Mason for one of the "top geek events" in the U.S. (as proclaimed by Wired magazine).  Let me tell you, if you've never had a cocktail mixed by a robot, you haven't lived. Last night, some dudes brought in a serious robot - a biotech machine - that allowed them to make perfectly-layered B-52 shots.  Each layer was measured out in picalitres. Today, Roboexotica's Cockbot 1 is mixing and serving daquiris, Campari/oranges, and screwdrivers. This is actually Cockbot 1. I can't wait for tonight, when a flamethrowing 151 and Kahlua bot will be shooting a yard's worth of fire to ignite highly-flammible liquor. Stay tuned...

Yes, Virginia, There Really Is an Open Parking Space in Hillcrest

Man, my neighborhood is getting cracked out. At the liquor store tonight, everyone smelled like fruity vodka. But I did find a parking space tonight within 1/2 block of my apartment, which was nice. p.s. I found this picture by searching Google images for "Fruity Vodka Barf" p.p.s. If you see girls like this in my neighborhood, they're probably guys.

Tonight's Menu - Indian Night at Studio A

I'm cooking for my friends at IbizaWestStudios tonight. Here's the menu: Bombay Potatoes Naan Bread Mint Chutney Chicken Tikka Masala Curry Everything is homemade from scratch, with love. Even the curry powder and the tandoori powder are homemade. I've been up since 7:30 a.m. gathering secret ingredients and going to store after store in search of a few key things I've run out of. I always like to keep the kitchen stocked with ingredients for a few different cuisines: Indian Italian Thai Mexican As well as having ingredients on-hand at all times to bake bread. I honestly believe that if you've got a little arsenal of ingredients you'll want to cook more.

Get Me Out of Hillcrest

I've known ever since I moved here three years ago that one day I'd get the hell out of this neighborhood. I came here by mistake, and I leave by fortune. What I like about Hillcrest I can walk anywhere I want Lalo's Tacos Bronx Pizza My bank has a branch nearby What I dislike about Hillcrest I'm heterosexual It's expensive as f*ck There's too much frigging construction I can never find a parking space So finally, the fabled "right time" came to pass. Yes, even for a middle-class guy like myself, it finally happened. I'm getting the hell out of here and moving to a neighborhood no one's ever heard of. Escrow closes in about three weeks. Wish me luck.